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We are all aware of how crucial daily walks are for our four-legged pals. Our dogs need to go for walks whether it’s raining, thundering, windy, or hot. It’s the finest thing about owning a pet, too! (Not when it’s raining, that’s definitely not the case), but it also forces us to move, take in the fresh air, and deepen our connection to them. But do we appropriately walk our pets? For our pets to benefit the most from their walks, how long must they walk?

Recently, a veterinarian went viral on TikTok by sharing what a dog walk should entail. Would you like to learn more? We’ll explain below.

How important is it to walk your dog?

For our pets’ development, walking is essential. They must meet new people, socialize with other canines, and acclimate to new stimuli. In order to strengthen their bones, it is crucial that they exert energy and receive sunlight. Additionally, dogs require exercise to keep in shape, just like people do.

Because different dogs need different amounts of exercise, it will all depend on your friend’s size, age, and breed. Dr. Nicole Ros outlines a very basic guideline in her films that is also extremely easy to remember.

  • For puppies, the equation is simple: for every month of life, they will need five minutes of exercise, so if they are 4 months old, you should exercise them for 20 minutes twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, for example. And in these minutes of exercise, you can do more exercises than just walks, you can play with them, train them and similar things.
  • For adult dogs, regardless of age, they need walks of between 30 and 60 minutes a day, but it also depends on the breed, for example, dogs like Border Collies need more than two hours of exercise, but a Saint Bernard or a Pug, or more sedentary breeds will need much less exercise and about 20 minutes per walk will suffice instead of a full hour.
  • For older dogs, Ros tells us that the time is similar for adult dogs, but it must be taken into account and taken into consideration that the joints of these dogs suffer much more than those of young dogs.

Because soft surfaces like grass or sand might be considerably gentler on their joints, don’t forget to give these small canines modest exercise. Additionally, a new exercise called hydrotherapy can be a terrific way to keep these adorable little seniors active without overtaxing their joints, muscles, and bones.

The most crucial thing is to keep a consistent routine for our four-legged friends to be in better physical and mental health. Regular exercise will improve a dog’s sleep quality and reduce the likelihood of behavioral issues like anxiety or despair! Exercise is crucial for us to stay in shape.

Your veterinarian can advise you on the best course of action if you are unsure about how much exercise your dog requires. Your pet came into the world to make us happy, so make sure you provide them with all they require.

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