St. Pete Widow Questions Plot Next to Husband's Resting Place at Royal Palm Cemetery

Hazel Thompson of St. Petersburg is grappling with a new challenge following the placement of her late husband’s headstone at Royal Palm Cemetery. Despite the relief of finally seeing Fred Lee Thompson’s memorial in place, Thompson finds herself embroiled in a dispute over the plot she believed was reserved for her beside her husband.

“It’s just been terrible,” expressed Thompson, 77, reflecting on the ordeal. “Losing my husband was hard enough. This has made it worse.”

Thompson recounted how she paid Royal Palm $1,130 for the monument last January, only for its installation to be significantly delayed. Royal Palm District Director Ivana Rawbon attributed the delay to headstone supply issues and alleged changes in Thompson’s requested wording, a claim Thompson vehemently denied during a heated discussion at the cemetery.

“She signed the contract, not the proof,” Rawbon asserted, prompting Thompson to counter that she had indeed signed off on a proof with the agreed-upon wording.

Following the installation of her husband’s headstone, Thompson encountered yet another distressing revelation. Despite making payments for the adjacent gravesite, she discovered that someone else appeared to have been buried in the plot.

Initially, Rawbon disputed Thompson’s assertion, citing the possibility of space for another grave. However, her confidence waned in subsequent correspondence, acknowledging the need for further investigation.

Thompson, however, remained resolute in her conviction that there was no space for another plot beside her husband’s resting place. “It’s very, very hurtful,” Thompson expressed, grappling with the situation’s emotional toll.

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Having endured numerous challenges with Royal Palm, Thompson now seeks a refund, expressing a loss of confidence in the cemetery’s management.

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