Darius Mayfield Receives Endorsement from Conservative Icon Ken Blackwell

Darius Mayfield, a Republican contender for Congress representing New Jersey’s 12th district, has garnered a significant endorsement from a prominent conservative figure on the national stage.

Ken Blackwell, a well-known conservative activist and former Cincinnati mayor, who also served in key roles such as Ohio’s Secretary of State and State Treasurer, has thrown his support behind Mayfield. In a statement, Blackwell hailed Mayfield as “a beacon of proactive change” whose life and career are dedicated to uplifting others.

Blackwell emphasized Mayfield’s background as a black business owner and the founder of the Darius Mayfield Foundation, highlighting his commitment to expanding educational opportunities in underserved communities. He praised Mayfield’s deep understanding of national challenges, citing his firsthand experiences at the border and his advocacy for common-sense solutions to bolster national security.

Mayfield, who is seeking a rematch against Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, received 36% of the vote against her in 2022. Blackwell offered some strategic advice to Mayfield, urging him to focus on winning elections rather than trying to persuade those resistant to change.

According to Blackwell, Mayfield embodies action over rhetoric, demonstrating a genuine commitment to making tangible differences in people’s lives. By endorsing Mayfield, Blackwell aligns himself with a leader dedicated not only to winning elections but also to the ongoing work of ensuring opportunity and prosperity for New Jersey’s 12th District and the nation as a whole.

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Blackwell’s illustrious career includes serving in President George H.W. Bush’s administration and representing the United States as Ambassador to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. His endorsement adds significant weight to Mayfield’s campaign, reinforcing his position as a leader poised to safeguard the promises and ideals that define America.

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